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TAB_COMPLETE - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject.Client
TAB_COMPLETE - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject.Server
TAB_COMPLETE - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.Packet.Client
TAB_COMPLETE - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.Packet.Server
tabComplete(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.commands.ancmd.SpigotCommand
task(Runnable, Plugin) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
task(Runnable) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskAsync(Runnable, Plugin) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskAsync(Runnable) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskLater(Runnable, Plugin, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskLater(Runnable, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskLaterAsync(Runnable, Plugin, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskLaterAsync(Runnable, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskTimer(Runnable, Plugin, long, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskTimer(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskTimerAsync(Runnable, Plugin, long, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
taskTimerAsync(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.RunUtils
testValidity(Object) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONObject
Throw an exception if the object is a NaN or infinite number.
TickEvent - Class in
TickEvent() - Constructor for class
TickTimer - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.utils
TickTimer(int) - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.TickTimer
timings - Variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.profiling.BaseProfiler
TinyProtocol1_7 - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.packets.channelhandler
Represents a very tiny alternative to ProtocolLib.
TinyProtocol1_7(Plugin) - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.packets.channelhandler.TinyProtocol1_7
Construct a new instance of TinyProtocol, and start intercepting packets for all connected clients and future clients.
TinyProtocol1_8 - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.packets.channelhandler
Represents a very tiny alternative to ProtocolLib.
TinyProtocol1_8(Plugin) - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.packets.channelhandler.TinyProtocol1_8
Construct a new instance of TinyProtocol, and start intercepting packets for all connected clients and future clients.
TinyProtocolHandler - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api
TinyProtocolHandler() - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.TinyProtocolHandler
toAABB(BoundingBox) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.reflection.MinecraftReflection
toAxisAlignedBB() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.BoundingBox
toBoundingBox(Object) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.ReflectionsUtil
toBukkitStack(Object) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject
ToggleableProfiler - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.profiling
ToggleableProfiler() - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.profiling.ToggleableProfiler
ToggleArgument - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.commands.impl.args
ToggleArgument(FunkeCommand, String, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.commands.impl.args.ToggleArgument
toJSONArray(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string, using the first row as a source of names.
toJSONArray(JSONTokener) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string, using the first row as a source of names.
toJSONArray(JSONArray, String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string using a supplied JSONArray as the source of element names.
toJSONArray(JSONArray, JSONTokener) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a JSONArray of JSONObjects from a comma delimited text string using a supplied JSONArray as the source of element names.
toJSONArray(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a JSONArray using the JsonML transform.
toJSONArray(XMLTokener) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a JSONArray using the JsonML transform.
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.Cookie
Convert a cookie specification string into a JSONObject.
toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CookieList
Convert a cookie list into a JSONObject.
toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.HTTP
Convert an HTTP header string into a JSONObject.
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
toJSONObject(XMLTokener) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a JSONObject using the JsonML transform.
toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a JSONObject using the JsonML transform.
toJSONObject(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.XML
Convert a well-formed (but not necessarily valid) XML string into a JSONObject.
toJSONString() - Method in interface cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONString
The toJSONString method allows a class to produce its own JSON serialization.
toNMS() - Method in enum cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.WrappedEnumParticle
toString() - Method in enum cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.EnumDirection.EnumAxis
toString() - Method in enum cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.EnumDirection.EnumAxisDirection
toString() - Method in enum cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.EnumDirection
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.Vec3D
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.BoundingBox
toString(JSONArray) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a comma delimited text from a JSONArray of JSONObjects.
toString(JSONArray, JSONArray) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CDL
Produce a comma delimited text from a JSONArray of JSONObjects using a provided list of names.
toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.Cookie
Convert a JSONObject into a cookie specification string.
toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.CookieList
Convert a JSONObject into a cookie list.
toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.HTTP
Convert a JSONObject into an HTTP header.
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONArray
Make a JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString(int) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray.
toString(JSONArray) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Reverse the JSONML transformation, making an XML text from a JSONArray.
toString(JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONML
Reverse the JSONML transformation, making an XML text from a JSONObject.
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONObject
Make a JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString(int) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONObject.
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONStringer
Return the JSON text.
toString() - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
toString(Object) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.XML
Convert a JSONObject into a well-formed, element-normal XML string.
toString(Object, String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.json.XML
Convert a JSONObject into a well-formed, element-normal XML string.
total - Variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.profiling.BaseProfiler
totalCalls - Variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.profiling.BaseProfiler
toVanilla() - Method in enum cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.packet.types.WrappedEnumAnimation
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject.Client
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject.Server
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.Packet.Client
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.Packet.Server
translate(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.Color
translate(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.bungee.utils.Color
traverse(double, double) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.math.RayTrace
traverse(double, double, double) - Method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.math.RayTrace
trim(int, double) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.MathUtils
trimFloat(int, float) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.MathUtils
truncateDoubleToInt(double) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.MathHelper
returns par0 cast as an int, and no greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE-1024
tryParse(String) - Static method in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.MathUtils
Tuple<A,B> - Class in cc.funkemunky.api.utils
Tuple(A, B) - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.Tuple
two - Variable in class cc.funkemunky.api.utils.Tuple
Type() - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.NMSObject.Type
Type() - Constructor for class cc.funkemunky.api.tinyprotocol.api.Packet.Type
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