## Download Download the latest stable release on Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/atlas-custom-packet-listening-numerous-utils-block-boundingboxes-1-7-1-13.66845/ ## Description #### What is Atlas? Atlas is an all-in-one and cohesive API for developers who want to improve their Bukkit plugins or anti-cheats. #### What does it include? * An advanced and seemless custom packet-sniffing system, with individual packet-wrappers. * Custom event system, running asynchronously so servers using your plugin will not experience any slowdowns on the main-thread. * Enough math utilities to make you forget what you learned in math class. * Many useful methods for doing little things like sending a colored message to console. * The most accurate and light, public hitbox-grabbing system. * Numerous reflection methods and utilities, including grabbers for NMS. #### JavaDocs https://funkemunky.github.io/Atlas/ #### Using Code from This Repo I'm aware that more people use Atlas as a means of learning rather than as an API, and therefore many people take parts of this repository and put it into their own projects. I have no problem with this. However, if you are using code from this repository in a **closed source** project, I would like ***easily-readable credit*** on any official distribution page for your project/product. Thanks! ## Custom Event System #### Creating an event ```java package cc.funkemunky.anticheat.api.event; import cc.funkemunky.api.events.AtlasEvent; import cc.funkemunky.api.events.Cancellable; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; public class TickEvent extends AtlasEvent implements Cancellable { private int currentTick; public TickEvent(int currentTick) { this.currentTick = currentTick; } public int getCurrentTick() { return currentTick; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return false; } @Override public void setCancelled(boolean b) { } } ``` ### Calling an event ```java new BukkitRunnable() { public void run() { TickEvent tickEvent = new TickEvent(currentTicks++); Atlas.getInstance().getEventManager().callEvent(tickEvent); } }.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, 1L, 1L); ``` ### Example Listener ```java package cc.funkemunky.anticheat.impl.listeners; import cc.funkemunky.anticheat.Rock; import cc.funkemunky.anticheat.api.data.PlayerData; import cc.funkemunky.anticheat.api.event.TickEvent; import cc.funkemunky.api.Atlas; import cc.funkemunky.api.events.AtlasListener; import cc.funkemunky.api.events.Listen; import cc.funkemunky.api.utils.Init; @Init public class FunkeListeners implements AtlasListener { @Listen public void onTickEvent(TickEvent event) { Atlas.getInstance().executeTask(() -> Rock.getInstance().getDataManager().getDataObjects().keySet().forEach(key -> { PlayerData data = Rock.getInstance().getDataManager().getDataObjects().get(key); data.getActionProcessor().update(data); })); } } ``` ### Registering a Listener ```java public void onEnable() { Atlas.getInstance().getEventManager().registerListeners(new FunkeListeners(), this); } ``` ## Custom Packet System ### Sending a packet ```java TinyProtocolHandler.sendPacket(e.getPlayer(), new WrappedOutKeepAlivePacket(233 + e.getPlayer().getEntityId() + 935)); ``` ### Listening for Packets #### Client Packets ```java @Listen public void onEvent(PacketRecieveEvent e) { if(e.getType().equals(Packet.Client.ENTITY_ACTION)) { WrappedInEntityActionPacket packet = new WrappedInEntityActionPacket(e.getPacket(), e.getPlayer()); switch(packet.getAction()) { case START_SNEAKING: data.skiderino.sneak = true; break; case STOP_SNEAKING: data.skiderino.sneak = false; break; case START_SPRINTING: data.skiderino.sprint = true; break; case STOP_SPRINTING: data.skiderino.sprint = false; break; } } } ``` #### Server Packets ```java @Listen public void onPacketSend(PacketSendEvent e) { PlayerData data = Fiona.getInstance().getDataManager().getPlayerData(e.getPlayer()); if (data != null) { switch (e.getType()) { case Packet.Server.KEEP_ALIVE: data.lastServerKeepAlive = System.currentTimeMillis(); break; case Packet.Server.ENTITY_METADATA: WrappedOutEntityMetadata wrapper = new WrappedOutEntityMetadata(e.getPacket(), e.getPlayer()); if(wrapper.getObjects().size() > 0) { if(wrapper.getObjects().get(0).getObject() instanceof Byte && (data.isUsingItem = ((Byte) wrapper.getObjects().get(0).getObject()) % 0x5 == 1)) { data.lastUseItem.reset(); } } break; } } } ``` ## Collision Hit-Boxes ### Getting a specific block hit-box ```java @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void onEvent(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) { if (event.getItem() != null && event.getItem().getType().equals(Material.BLAZE_ROD) && event.getItem().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(Color.Red + "Magic Box Wand")) { Block block = event.getClickedBlock(); event.getPlayer().sendMessage(block.getType().name() + "'s Data: " + block.getData()); for (BoundingBox box : Atlas.getInstance().getBlockBoxManager().getBlockBox().getSpecificBox(block.getLocation())) { for (float x = box.minX; x < box.maxX; x += 0.2f) { for (float y = box.minY; y < box.maxY; y += 0.2f) { for (float z = box.minZ; z < box.maxZ; z += 0.2f) { WrappedPacketPlayOutWorldParticle packet = new WrappedPacketPlayOutWorldParticle(WrappedEnumParticle.FLAME, true, x, y, z, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1, null); packet.sendPacket(event.getPlayer()); } } } event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ReflectionsUtil.getVanillaBlock(event.getClickedBlock()).getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + box.toString()); } } } } ``` ### Getting all collided hit-boxes ```java List box = Atlas.getInstance().getBlockBoxManager().getBlockBox().getCollidingBoxes(to.getWorld(), data.boundingBox.grow(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f).subtract(0, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0, 0)); CollisionAssessment assessment = new CollisionAssessment(data.boundingBox, data); box.forEach(bb -> assessment.assessBox(bb, to.getWorld())); ``` ### Getting an entity hitbox ```java MiscUtils.getEntityBoundingBox(e.getPlayer()); ``` [Latest]: https://github.com/funkemunky/Atlas/releases "Download Latest" ## Credits ### TinyProtocol and Additions Credits to [@dmulloy2](https://github.com/dmulloy2) and [@aandk](https://github.com/aandk) for the TinyProtocol and Reflection utilities. Thanks to [@DeprecatedLuke](https://github.com/DeprecatedLuke) for his useful additions to TinyProtocol and his initial packet wrappers. ### Code Profile System Credits to [@DeprecatedLuke](https://github.com/DeprecatedLuke) for the BaseProfiler and Profiler classes.